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Fraunhofer Institute identifies SARS-CoV-2 inhibitors in Specs' Repurposing Library

In November 2019, Specs announced the launch of a Drug Repurposing Library, serving a consortium of 5 drug discovery organizations in 3 different countries. The application of existing drugs for use in a different disease reduces costs and development time and, since these drugs already have successfully passed clinical trials, detailed information on their pharmacology, formulation, dose, and potential toxicity is available.

Drawing inspiration from the ground-breaking work of Broad Institute, Specs was able to source 5,632 compounds that have reached clinical development but were not widely available for commercial screening, making them available in 96- and 384-well SBS standard plates for less than €35,- per compound.

One of our consortium partners, the Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology, has used this library in the search for inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2, with promising results. These results will be published in Nature where it is currently in the pre-print stage. The article can be accessed here:

Also, it has been featured on the website of SLAS (Society of Laboratory Automation and Screening), as one of the successful showcases efforts to fight this pandemic:

If you are interested in this repurposing library or wish to receive any additional information, please contact us at

Fraunhofer Institute identifies SARS-CoV-2 inhibitors in Specs' Repurposing Library

published on: 21-Apr-20